District 883 Dollars for Scholars scholarship recipients who want to redeem their scholarship must provide proof of registration to our Treasurer (listed below). This includes a post-secondary institution tuition statement or verification of current full-time enrollment (final course schedule) along with a valid student ID#.
Checks are ALWAYS made payable and sent directly to the institution. Please include the school's mailing address where scholarships payments should be sent. For planning purposes, please note that schools may split the scholarship amount equally across semesters in a single school year instead of applying the entire scholarship amount to the next upcoming semester.
All District 883 Dollars for Scholars scholarships EXPIRE on December 31 three years after they are awarded (i.e., 12/31/27 for the Class of 2024). Please redeem early to avoid forfeiting your award.
District 883 Dollars for Scholars
Sue Poulsen, Treasurer
21527 Homestead Trail
Corcoran, Minnesota 55340
(please put "DFS Disbursement" or "Dollars For Scholars" in the email subject)